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PTO Volunteer Roles

The PTO can always use your help in one or more of the roles and committees listed below so please let us know what you're interested in and we'll find a slot for you! Contact us at

Boots & BBQ: Fall family social event to kick off the new school year

Branding/Marketing: Designing/maintaining logos

Family Dance: A Winter or Spring social event

Fun Run Committee: Our school's one and only fundraising event

Garden Committee: Help maintain/improve the school garden

Hawk Talk Committee: Weekly parent/guardian newsletter (writing and programming)

Holi Celebration: Celebration of colors and love for the Indian holiday of Holi

New Parent Buddies Liaison: Oversee connection of new HV parents with veteran HV parents

New Parent Social Coordinator: Help with fall social event for new HV families

Recess Enrichment Teams: Organize lunchtime activities like Legos or art

Room Parent Coordinator: Liaison between PTO and Room Parents

Safe Routes Liaison: Liaison to the larger Marin Safe Routes to Schools organization

School Supplies Coordinator: Liaison to school supply vendor

Spirit Wear Committee: Choose items/maintain relationship with vendor of spirit wear

Staff Appreciation Committee: Plan monthly lunches and other treats for our wonderful staff
Variety Show Committee: Student talent show in late Spring

Walk & Roll Committee: Responsible for Wednesday tag scanning and/or just volunteering to scan

Webmaster(s): Update and maintain HV PTO website
Yard Duty Coordinator : Recruit volunteers for yard duty and administer substitute list

Yearbook Committee: Take photos and design yearbook

YES Liaison: Liaison to district-wide YES foundation

5th Grade Promotion Committee: Committee of 4th grade parents to plan 5th grade promotion ceremony

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