Hidden Valley Hawk Talk Newsletter, Issue #12

Monday, December 4, 2023

Dec 12
Winter sing-a-long 11-11:45 am in the MPR
Dec 15
Last day to delivery wrapped Adopt-A-Family gifts in the classroom
Dec 25 - Jan 5
No school - Winter Break
January 8
No school - teacher work day
January 15
No school - MLK Jr. Day
February 19-23
No school - Mid-winter break

Dear Hidden Valley Families,
It has been a joyous week having our Hawks back on campus, and we're thrilled to share the positive energy and enthusiasm that has permeated our school. As we readjust to the school routine, it's lovely to witness the genuine joy on our students' faces as they reconnect with friends and the Hidden Valley Staff. Throughout the week, our Hawks have eagerly immersed themselves in various activities, from engaging in phonics, math number corners, building motor skills, learning about activists like Ruby Bridges, and participating in play with friends.
A small, thoughtful group of parents gathered Friday morning to connect in community. As we shared a bit about ourselves, I was reminded of the incredible diversity and strength that exists within our school community. At Hidden Valley, we take great pride in embracing and celebrating our differences, recognizing that it's this beautiful tapestry of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives that enriches our educational environment.
I write to you today to emphasize the crucial role each of us plays in fostering an inclusive atmosphere where every child feels valued, respected, and supported. Inclusivity isn’t just a concept; it’s a commitment we make every day, a commitment that extends beyond our classrooms and encompasses our entire community.
As families, your influence in shaping this environment is immeasurable. By encouraging kindness, empathy, and understanding at home, you lay the foundation for our students to thrive in an inclusive setting. Your words and actions have a profound impact on how our children perceive and appreciate diversity.
Here are a few ways we can collectively promote inclusivity:
Celebrate Diversity: Encourage conversations at home about the beauty of different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. Share stories, experiences, and values that highlight our unique backgrounds. Visit different neighborhoods in Marin, shop in small markets and enjoy ethnic restaurants outside of your norm.
Embrace Differences: Teach the importance of respecting and embracing differences. Emphasize the value of inclusion and how it contributes to a stronger, more vibrant community.
Model Inclusive Behavior: Be mindful of your own words and actions, modeling inclusivity and empathy. Children often emulate what they see in their families, making your behavior a powerful teaching tool. Invite a new friend to coffee, reach out to a neighbor you don’t yet know well during this winter season.
Foster Open Communication: Encourage your children to ask questions and engage in open, respectful discussions about diversity. Create a safe space for them to express their thoughts and learn from others. Be curious, ask questions, and learn together.
At Hidden Valley, we are committed to providing an environment where every student feels safe, accepted, and empowered to be their authentic selves. Together, let’s reinforce these values, creating a community that celebrates our differences and finds strength in our unity.
Thank you for your ongoing support in creating an inclusive and nurturing environment for our students. Should you have any ideas, questions, or suggestions on how we can further promote inclusivity and community, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your partnership is invaluable in our shared goal of fostering a diverse and inclusive school community.
In the spirit of giving and gratitude, Hidden Valley is partnering with Adopt-a-Family to provide a warm holiday for families in need. As a school we are adopting 7 families (one per grade) and hope to give them as many of their wish list items as possible!
2023 Families Adopted by Hidden Valley
Click on the link to go to the family’s wish list and start signing up!
1st - The Zebra Family
2nd - The Toy Family
3rd - The Tiger Family
4th - The Brave Family
5th - The Shooting Star Family

Willy Wonka Jr. is at Hidden Valley! Scholarships are available. No child is turned away. If you have questions, please contact Anna Barker at abarker@yestokids.org
Cast is open to 3rd-5th grade and Kid Tech is open to 4th & 5th grades on a lottery system.
Take a look at the YES theater webpage for rehearsal dates and more! www.yestokids.org/2023-24-theater-productions
Enjoy the stage!

Students at Hidden Valley win County-wide Safe Routes Contest!
Congratulations go to Julia Welch (4th), Milla Minutoli (4th), and Olivia Cilley (4th) for being one of six groups in the county to receive this year’s BUDDY UP Contest Award! These students ride bikes to school together daily. They reduce traffic and pollution, get great exercise and save their parents time and money. Safe Routes will be giving the group of students a $50.00 gift card!
Here’s their story:
The Biking Beauties started last year in our little neighborhood of Angela St. and Butterfield Rd. They recently recruited their friend Olivia to join this year and have been successfully riding to and from school together regularly. The level of confidence and independence completely shines through these budding 4th graders and they love knowing that they are doing their part to help the environment and traffic during busy school times. After school they meet at their bikes, chat about their day while walking up Green Valley Ct. to Butterfield where they depart happily for their home destination. If they see solo bikers from their school while on their route they also invite them to join so they don’t have to bike alone. Truly epitomizing what Hawk spirit and community mean. They feel stronger together and know that they have safety in numbers not only visually for other commuters but for tumbles or other unknown emergencies. Go team Biking Beauties!

We need your help with yard duty!
We need help everyday with our kindergartners, from 11:45-12:30. We have created a sign up sheet for daily help. Sign up at your convenience for any day of the school year here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F48AAAF23A0F49-45982198-hidden
We can also use additional substitutes for kindergarten and the grades. Fill out this form to be contacted when we have a specific need for somebody to fill in for one of our regular volunteers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hDXfRHHes94xHPk3C_7IIyhQUi9OVgWsd-uBQPj_Wuw/edit

Save the dates!
Join us 12/16 at Wade Thomas for a Change for Good day including sustainable gift wrapping, projects for shelter animals at Marin Humane, and more! Register here.
Our next Family Orientation will be 1/22 at 5:30. Come for a joyful evening to learn more about Children for Change and meet like-minded families. We hope to see you there! (Register now)
Family-friendly Volunteering: You have access to family-friendly volunteer opportunities (with over 30 local nonprofits!) through Children for Change. Go to our website (www.children4change.org) and click “Volunteer” in the top right corner!