Hidden Valley Hawk Talk Newsletter, Issue #9

Friday, October 14, 2022

Oct 14
HV Fun Run
Oct 18
YES Fundraiser at Creekside Pizza
Oct 19
School Tour for Prospective Families at 9:15 am
Oct 26
School Picture Day
Oct 31
Halloween parade at 8:35am
Nov 4
Please join RVSD Superintendent and Cabinet members in conversation about any topic related to the District or our school
Nov 7
YES Art night at HV
Nov 11
No school - Veteran's Day
Nov 21 - 25
No school - Fall Break & Thanksgiving

Fun Run!
Thank you so very much for your generous support of our school. These little HAWKS were practically flying around the field with pride, joy and lots of energy. I am certain that every year they get faster, stamina and dedication beam from their fast feet. The students show up to the challenge for themselves, for our school, and for our community. Thank you for showing up for them! Good times beget a great community. Go Hawks!
All of this is possible because of our rockin’ Fun Run Leaders - Mike Cassin, Sandra Murtagh, and Jenn Hamerski.
Your generous contributions allow us to have new recess equipment, weekly social emotional instruction, 2nd-5th grade poetry lessons, teacher professional development, and so much more!
Parent Education Opportunity: Virtual Workshop
On Thursday, Oct 20th at 6:00 the Spahr Center is hosting a LBGQT+ workshop, focusing on:
Understanding & Applying LGBTQ+ Promising Practices using Gender Neutral and Inclusive Language; Reviewing Terminology of LGBTQ+ Identities;
Hearing a Parent’s Perspective on Raising a Transgender Child
Building Inclusive Environments for All Student Identities
Receiving Hands-On Guidance and Information to Support Advocacy and Active Allyship
Register Here for this Virtual Event

As you are reading this, we are wrapping up the r-u-n part of the FUN RUN out on the field. This year was a phenomenal success and we have raised over $62,000! We had over 800 donors from around the WORLD, including the Netherlands, Italy, Canada, and Chile.
The reason this was a success is YOU.
Thank you to every parent who logged in and set up their student’s fundraising page.
Thank you to the teachers and Principal Fish for getting your classes fired up and competing in the Goofy Olympics.
Thank you to every student who wrote an email, text, or social media post asking family and friends for donations.
Thank you to the day of volunteers, Fun Run Reps, Mariposa, Hidden Valley staff, PTO and buddies who cheered us on.
And of course, thank you to every Hawk who participated in the Fun Run!
As soon as we catch our breath, we will share run pictures, but until then please enjoy some pictures below from this week’s Goofy Olympics, the school wide prize for reaching our fundraising goal. Any yearbook worthy pictures can be sent to hvhawkphotos@gmail.com.
Congratulations to these final week, extra recess, winners:
Schnell (Kinder, Top Earning)
Hirsch (4th grade, 100%!)
Sampson (2nd grade, 100%!)
Sottile (2nd grade, 100%!)
Velasquez (1st grade, 100%!)
Workman (3rd grade, 100%!)
It’s time for a special shout out to Principal of the Day winner, can I get a drum roll please…. Principal Phoebe Van Houten (Sottile) with an astounding 21 donors! We can’t wait to see what you have in store for your time in office. Congrats Phoebe!
We are so grateful for our Hawk Community and will end our post with some inspirational Fun Run messages,
Your Fun Run Crew: Sandra Murtagh, Mike Cassin & Jenn Hamerski
Vamos vamos vamos!!! Mi sobrino preciosoooooo!!! ?
The best learning is based on love, we love you.
She believed she could, so she did Love you!
Hola! we hope you have fun hopping, skipping and jumping during the run! Always keep smiling and being the kind loving friend you are to us! Hope to see you soon.
I love seeing you run Its your happy place! XOXO Mom
Those obstacles don’t stand a chance!
Show us how you can run! We know how fast you are! We love you!?? Grammy Papa
You are faster than Dad.
You got this love bug!
As our final HV Fun Run, let’s make it our best!
Run like there’s a bowl of ice cream, donuts, hi chews and chocolate at the finish line! We love you!!

Mrs. Fish, Gina Davis, Mariposa, Mrs. Workman (left to right)
In our last issue, Isela, Paula, Maudilia and Mr. Velasquez shared with us the challenges they faced growing up or are facing as Hispanic/Latino Americans in our community. We asked Mrs. Fish, Mariposa, Ms. Workman (HV 3rd Grade teacher) and Gina (PTO secretary) to reflect on these challenges and give us an overview of their works to address them.
Mrs. Fish Principal of Hidden Valley School (English)
Mariposa, Administrative assistant (English)
Ms. Workman, 3rd Grade teacher (English)
Gina Davis, PTO Secretary (English)
We are working on getting the interviews in the Diversity & Equity Insights translated into Spanish. We apologize for the inconvenience and will inform you as soon as they become available. Thank you.
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration in Ms. Workman’s classroom.
Read Along
Click on the book title to access the read-along on Youtube
If Dominican were a color (bilingual)
Between us and Abuela (no Spanish version available)
GoNoodle Brain Breaks in Spanish
Reading maps of Mexico, Central America, and South America and practicing compass directions
Highlighting one changemaker/leader a day:
Discussing the Chicano Art Movement of the 60s and 70s and its tie with Bay Area artist and activist Favianna Rodriguez. Students then created their own Social Justice posters inspired by Favianna Rodriguez.

Lego Enrichment Clubs
Hip, hip, hooray! 1st- 5th Lego Enrichment Clubs are baaaaack at lunch recess time in Room 10! Thank you Sara Wilson and Jenn Hamerski for talking the lead on this. Bring on the creativity!
Mondays - 3rd, 4th, and 5th
Thursdays - 1st and 2nd

Hats Off to YES a Tommy Breeze & YES Patch Collab
on Tuesday, October 18th from 5:30 to 7:30pm
Creekside Pizza & Taproom is donating 15% of ALL proceeds (take out or dine in)
Get your very own, one-of-kind Tommy Breeze YES trucker hat! Tommy will be there to customize the first 40 hats sold.
Amy's Drive Thru will be selling milkshakes!
SAVE THE DATE - Family Art Nights are back this year!
Monday, November 7th Hidden Valley 5:30 to 8:00 in the multipurpose room. Details and a flyer to follow!

Walk & Roll to School

Eyes Up, Marin!
Let’s Make our Streets Safer for Everyone!
From mid-October through the end of November, you’ll see bright and colorful banners and lawn signs popping up all over Marin asking people to keep their “Eyes Up” and be alert. These signs will be asking drivers to slow down, watch when turning and look for pedestrians in the crosswalk; bicyclists to yield to pedestrians and to follow the rules of the road; and those walking to pay attention when crossing the street.
These messages will also show up in your social media feeds, and you can find them at www.streetsmartsmarin.org. Please share with your friends, family and co-workers!
The Eyes Up, Marin campaign is part of the Street Smarts Program and Safe Routes to Schools, locally funded programs of the Transportation Authority of Marin. This traffic safety campaign educates drivers, pedestrians and cyclists about safety issues, including distracted driving. The goal is to encourage people to adopt and practice attitudes and behaviors that will reduce the number of traffic-related accidents and make our streets safer for everyone.
The program focuses on placing outdoor messaging at “hotspots” throughout Marin County – bold reminders at the locations where traffic problems occur most frequently. The message placement was determined based on findings from the 2018 Marin County Travel Safety Plan as well as analysis of 2016 -2020 countywide collision data from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System.
Over 125 countywide partners including school districts, jurisdictions, emergency service providers, and community organizations will be sharing the new campaign images and safety messages widely. Please join this important effort to make our streets safer for all! www.streetsmartsmarin.org.

Yearbook is looking for pictures (kids only please) to be used for HV yearbook. If you have any pictures that you would like to share with the yearbook team please email to hvhawkphotos@gmail.com.
Hidden Valley PTO

Parent Square
Interested in Hawktalk or if you have any feedback, please use this link