Hidden Valley Hawk Talk Newsletter, Issue #7

Friday, September 30th, 2022

Garden Work Party 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm, please join us!
Oct 10
No School - Professional Development Day for Staff
Oct 14
HV Fun Run
Oct 19
School Tour for Prospective Families 9:15 am
Oct 26
School Picture Day

Hello Hawk Families,
How are you doing? It is good to check in on each other. So often we answer, “I’m fine” or “it’s all good” when it may not be our reality. Here’s to being real and connecting with those that you can share your truth with, because it isn’t always fine or all good, and that is ok and normal. Your children are learning how to recognize when they aren’t feeling regulated, you need to allow yourself the same. When do you feel your best? Do more of that. When do you not feel your best? Recognize it, allow yourself some grace, and refer to previous question. Do more of what makes you happy.
Students receiving additional support recognizing their emotions is possible due to PTO fundraising - specifically, The FunRun! It is our one and only fundraiser of the year and is essential to providing what our students need - playground/sports equipment, scholarships for field trips, teacher professional development, weekly social emotional lessons, the freedom of poetry, and so much more. Thank you for contributing what you can, every contribution counts for your child, and for our community.
This week we’ve been learning about Banned Books Week, launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores, and libraries. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information. Students are introduced to book titles that have been controversial over time and learned to ask the most essential question, Why? Why was the book banned? Did you know that many children’s books have been banned, including "Charlotte's Web," by E.B. White in 2006, because "talking animals are blasphemous and unnatural." Some versions of William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" were banned in South Carolina because themes were believed to be too mature. And, more closely, Dr. Seuss' environmental kid's book The Lorax was banned in 1989 in a California school because it was believed to portray logging in a poor light and would turn children against the foresting industry.
One of the many goals in our school library is to foster open-mindedness, which gives students the ability to: embrace different points of view, listen to and consider the perspectives of others before making a decision, and understand new ideas and experiences to broaden their mind and challenge their thinking.
Thank you for continuing conversations at home that support open-mindedness and inclusivity. If you aren’t yet familiar with our RVSD Equity Mission Statement, take time to review. Our goal is for everyone to be included and thrive in our community.
Learning about Banned Book Week

Students presenting their student-run book club at the Hawk Assembly

Want to be a part of something special? Come join us at Hidden Valley!
TK Aide 4 hours/day
K Aide 2 hours/day
1st-5th gr Aide 3 hrs/day
Noontime Supervision 1 hr/day

Recess Enrichment Coordinator
Do you have a passion for art, legos, or an interest working with kids? Do you have a special skill you’d like to share such as knitting or origami? Help us bring back enrichment options for students at lunch recess.
Yard Duty Volunteers
While the school remains short staffed, we need parent volunteers to fill in with lunchtime yard duty. This ensures that our teachers get a much needed lunch hour. On days when we don’t have enough staff and volunteers for yard duty, teachers have to fill in during their lunch hour. Help us help them!
We need more weekly help with upper grade (1st-5th, 12:00-12:30) yard duty Tuesday through Thursday. Additionally, we’d love to add you to our substitute list! This is an opportunity to help out occasionally when we have emergency needs. You would be notified by email of open opportunities as they arise.
If interested, please email Jill Nail, or speak with Mariposa Lewicki in the office!
Garden Work Party
Garden Work Party is today from 3:00pm - 4:30pm. We are looking for volunteers. Please sign up here.
Thank you!

We have completed our second week of fundraising and are at 75% participation, and a little over halfway to our school donation goal!
Kudos to all those who logged in and registered your student’s Personal Fundraising Page. The Fun Run has always been a community building event, just as much as a fundraiser. That’s why we value participation so much, and strive for the entire school to have a page set up. All of our day of volunteer spots are FILLED! Thank you for your support! We will send out more information on how you can cheer for your HAWK during the run in next week’s newsletter. Now for the contests:
Week 2 Contest winners are:
Every one that had at least one donor was entered into this week’s raffle. Here are the winners:
Scoop Gift Certificate: Andrew Minutoli (Brandt) & Fletcher Howes (Horky)
Swirl Gift Certificate: Marion Cilley (Wolfe), Otis Forbes (Schnell), West Fiorentini (Saunders)
Class Motto/# Winners will be announced on Friday during the morning’s PA message. No class has crossed the 100% participation line, so we will extend the class movie/popcorn contest one more week. Here are the participation standings by class as of today, but it’s anyone's race to win:
Now for Week 3’s contests…
We are extending last week’s contest and the first class(s) to 100% participation at the end of the week will win a class movie/popcorn day.
Also, everyone with at least two donations will be entered into the raffle for a gift certificate for Mini Golf session and a slushy at McGinnis Golf.

Isela, Maudilia, Paula, Mr. Velasquez (left to right)
For this issue, we welcome Hidden Valley parents: Isela, Maudilia, Paula, and first-grade teacher Mr. Velasquez, who kindly agreed to share their stories and experiences at Hidden Valley as Latino Americans. Please click to their names below to hear their stories.
Isela, parent of a 4th Grader at Hidden Valley.
Maudilia, parent of a kindergartner and 5th Grader
Paula, parent of a kindergartner and 5th Grader
Mr. Velasquez, teacher of 1st-graders.
Thank you so much for sharing your stories. Special thanks to Isela for providing the English translation.
Filipino Heritage Month starts October 1st. Get curious and explore Filipino Americans' culture, history, and contribution. Don’t know where to start? Say Wiki!
Stay tuned, the Filipino Heritage month lasts…..a month!

If you purchase your yearbook by Sept 30th you can receive a 10% discount! Take advantage of the discount and order now! If you have not purchased a yearbook yet, here is the link to do so: TreeRing Yearbooks. For families who have purchased before, simply re-log into your account. Yearbooks will be delivered to your home this year!
Yearbook is also looking for pictures (kids only please) to be used for HV yearbook. If you have any pictures that you would like to share with the yearbook team please email to hvhawkphotos@gmail.com.

Hidden Valley Spirit Day Wednesdays
Hey-Hey-Hey Hawks! Show your Hawk spirit every Wednesday! Students are encouraged to wear Hawk gear or sport our school colors, orange and blue. If you wish to purchase our amazing Hawk gear, go to our online store here: https://apparelnow.com/hidden-valley-hawk-spirit-wear-apparel
Let’s show everyone how Hawktastic we are!
Hidden Valley PTO

Parent Square
Interested in Hawktalk or if you have any feedback, please use this link