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Hidden Valley Hawk Talk Newsletter, Issue #11

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Friday,  October 28, 2022
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Oct 28 - Oct 30

REMINDER: Submit your Lunchmaster requests for November

Oct 31

Halloween parade at 8:35 AM

Nov 1

PJ Day!

Nov 2

Plastic-free Lunch Day

Nov 4

Please join RVSD Superintendent and Cabinet members in conversation about any topic related to the District or our school 

Nov 4

Garden Work Party from 3 to 4:30 PM

Nov 1 -8

Cub Scouts Food Drive

Nov 7

YES Family Art night at HV

Nov 11

No school - Veteran's Day

Nov 14 - 18

TK-5th conferences, Super Minimum Release (11:50 AM)

Nov 21 - 25

No school - Fall Break & Thanksgiving


Hello Hidden Valley Families,



You are invited to view our Halloween Parade at 8:30. It will be one of the cutest parades you’ve ever seen! Viewing areas are along the sidewalk at the entrance and up by the blue picnic tables (there will be signs to help direct you). After the school has paraded around, classes will meet to take group class photos.


Reminder for your child, we have TK students as young as 4 1/2 years old on our campus, so keep the super scary costumes for after school activities.  No masks, weapons, or blood allowed in our school costumes.




We are already seeing colds, flus, and respiratory viral infections this month. They are predicted to increase in our pediatric population this winter. In order to keep our students healthy, we can take these preventative measures:

  1. Keep your child home if they are ill.

  2. Remind your child to wash hands often.

  3. Make sure your child gets plenty of outdoor sunshine, movement, and sleep.

  4. Have your child drink plenty of water throughout the day.

  5. Consider having your child wear a mask while in the classroom.


The above suggestions will not only help your own child stay healthy, but classmates and the teacher as well.


Power of Words 

On a daily basis, our students are building vocabulary, learning language and social dynamics, and developing their capacity to recognize and regulate emotions; and this doesn’t even include the academics of school. The words we speak have life. Words give out energy, evoke emotions, and set the tone for back and forth conversation.  


We have an incredible opportunity each time we interact with another by choosing positive, powerful words. Doing so models for our children (they are always watching us!)  Just a few simple words can make a long lasting difference in someone’s life. Do you remember what that mean kid said to you in school? I sure do.  What you say and how you choose your words, has an impact on individuals, particularly children.  The words that we speak each day are like seeds. We can sow words that hold truth, empower, and uplift or we can sow words that hurt and stifle someone’s progress. Choose your words wisely, whether they are the words we speak to one another, or the ones we think about ourselves, words make a difference.


Before we speak, let’s ask ourselves a few questions: Is what I am about to say kind? Is it true? Will it inspire, and motivate? Is it necessary? How would I feel, if those words were spoken to me?


The late Maya Angelou penned the following quote “People will forget what you said …they will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Remember that your words have power – choose them wisely.

In Education Together,



Photo Day Smiles

Cub Scouts Food Drive


Each year, Pack 50 San Anselmo Cub Scouts go door-to-door to collect food for the
SF-Marin Food Bank. This year, Pack 50 hopes to expand their donation collection efforts
by collecting non-perishable foods at our local schools.


High cost of living, lack of social safety nets, systemic racism, and other inequalities mean
many struggle to afford the basics, including putting food on the table. A staggering 1 in 5 people in Marin and San Francisco Counties experiences hunger. But, together, we have the power to end hunger. Food makes it possible for kids to learn and thrive, for adults to take care of their
families, and for seniors to stay healthy and active.


Here’s how you can help:
We would love each student to support this effort by bringing in non-perishable
food items to donate - think dried goods, such as pasta, rice, or canned goods.


Please check to ensure the “best before date” has not already passed.

Bins will be available outside the office and MPR starting November 1st to accept your generous donations!


Donation week will take place from November 1-8, 2022.
Let's make some families in need happy this holiday season!


Thank you for your collective support in this effort!

Garden Work Party


The next Garden Work Party will take place on the afternoon of November 4th from 3:00 - 4:30. We need volunteers to work and to donate seeds. Please sign up here to join us!




We have so many great pictures from this year's Fun Run. Check out this video  and these pictures taken by Jeff Lo, fellow Hawk parent, who donated his time and creativity again this year to truly capture the amazing energy of the day. 


Check the pictures on your phones and make sure to email your Fun Run pictures, kids only please, to yearbook


Dear HV Spanish-speaking families,

Please accept our sincere apology for the technical issue that kept you from accessing the interviews. The Hawk Talk team has fixed the links, and the interviews are now available:  


Ms. Fish, Principal of Hidden Valley School. Spanish

Mariposa, Administrative assistant. Spanish

Ms. Workman, 3rd Grade teacher. Spanish

Gina Davis, PTO Treasure. Spanish


Rest assured that we will improve our translation workflow to provide you with Spanish content on time.



What can we do to be more inclusive on campus? 


Any idea? Well, me neither. Then, I found this intriguing sticker. 





After investigation, aka typing the words into the Google search bar, we found that the #BeNiceSayHi initiative" is all about spreading smiles, enjoying life, and diffusing conflict on trails shared by hikers, equestrians, and cyclists.  Slow down, say "Hi!," smell the roses, and enjoy the day!

Interesting, isn’t it? Create a connection with people that are or seem different with a simple word. We think we have a lead in answering our question. Do you? Share it with us.  Stay tuned. 








Note to the hikers, walkers, joggers, mountain bikers, and equestrians in our community, the Marin County Bike Coalition has a similar “Slow and Say Hello” initiative created in collaboration with the Marin Horse Council and the Marin Conservation League. Check it out!


Election day is coming. Let’s talk about school boards.


Two seats out of five to fill on the Ross Valley School District board of trustees in the Nov. 8 elections.

If you have a question about school boards you never dared to ask, here’s your chance to have an answer. Send us your question.


SAVE THE DATE - Family Art Nights are back this year! 


Come on out with your child and enjoy a night of creation. Ms. Gavam has created a few art lessons paired with inspirational artists for your family to enjoy. Come see what the YES-funded art program is all about.

Please sign up through the Sign Up Genius  to ensure we have enough supplies for everyone. Say YES to the Arts!


Eyes Up, Marin!


Let’s Make our Streets Safer for Everyone!


From mid-October through the end of November, you’ll see bright and colorful banners and lawn signs popping up all over Marin asking people to keep their “Eyes Up” and be alert.  These signs will be asking drivers to slow down, watch when turning and look for pedestrians in the crosswalk; bicyclists to yield to pedestrians and to follow the rules of the road; and those walking to pay attention when crossing the street.


These messages will also show up in your social media feeds, and you can find them at Please share with your friends, family and co-workers!

The Eyes Up, Marin campaign is part of the Street Smarts Program and Safe Routes to Schools, locally funded programs of the Transportation Authority of Marin. This traffic safety campaign educates drivers, pedestrians and cyclists about safety issues, including distracted driving. The goal is to encourage people to adopt and practice attitudes and behaviors that will reduce the number of traffic-related accidents and make our streets safer for everyone.


The program focuses on placing outdoor messaging at “hotspots” throughout Marin County – bold reminders at the locations where traffic problems occur most frequently. The message placement was determined based on findings from the 2018 Marin County Travel Safety Plan  as well as analysis of 2016 -2020 countywide collision data from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System.


Over 125 countywide partners including school districts, jurisdictions, emergency service providers, and community organizations will be sharing the new campaign images and safety messages widely.  Please join this important effort to make our streets safer for all!

Staff Lunch


The Hidden Valley staff enjoyed a beautiful and delicious lunch on Thursday put on by the PTO.  A huge shout out to Sydney Higgins, Jenn Adams, and Eveli Loveman for the coordination and execution!  


Yearbook is looking for pictures (kids only please) to be used for HV yearbook. If you have any pictures that you would like to share with the yearbook team please email to

Hidden Valley PTO
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