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Hidden Valley Hawk Talk Newsletter, Issue #1

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Friday,  August 19th, 2022
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Aug 16-26

​Parent Intake Conferences, Early Dismissal. TK/K - 11:50 AM. 1st - 5th - 1:35 PM

Aug 26

New Parent Social 7pm-10pm

Aug 31

Back to School Night

TK-2nd - 6:00-6:45 PM
All School: 6:45-7:15 PM
3rd - 5th - 7:15-8:00 PM

Sept 5

Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)

welcome back

Hello Hawk Families,


It’s been a wonderful first 4 days of school! To all of our returning families and those new to our learning community, we welcome you with open arms and look forward to a joyful, curiosity filled year ahead with growth in our knowledge, skills, friendships, and self.

As parents, guardians, and staff members at Hidden Valley, we have been given the beautiful gift of caring for others, of creating a world for young people to know they are important, valued, and safe. We spend important time these first weeks of school to support building connections for and with our students and hope to do so with you as well, in our intake conferences, our upcoming Back to School Night presentations and with school events being planned for the future.


If you have any questions, always feel free to reach out to me at


In Education Together,



Hello Hidden Valley Families!

Welcome back! We are excited to meet our new families and reconnect with our veteran families! The PTO hopes that everyone had a great summer!
Over the summer, the PTO was hard at work preparing for any awesome year. One of our main projects was to revamp the PTO website. We enlisted the help of a local high school student, Zoe Tran, to program the new site. It was beneficial for everyone. The PTO ended up with a beautiful, user-friendly website and Zoe earned some great experience for her resume. We couldn’t be happier.
Check it out:
Use it to find answers to almost all of your questions! If it doesn’t answer your question, feel free to email us anytime at
It’s that time of year again - we need your help! Below you will find a list of volunteer roles that are open, and a complete list of all roles is available on the PTO website. If something looks like a fit for you, let us know! You can always email us, track us down on campus, or find us on Back to School Night on August 31. We want you!

Open Positions
Fun Run Subcommittees
New Parent Buddies Liaison
Recess Enrichment Teams
School Year Kickoff Subcommittees
Spirit Wear Committee
Walk & Roll Liaison

The PTO Board is looking forward to a fantastic year. Please help us along the way! We’d love to hear from you, or better yet, work with you! Don’t be shy!
Happy 1st Week of School!
Team PTO
Jill Nail, President (Russell, 3rd)
Nilli Hapuarachchi, Vice President (Kiara, 5th & Talia, 3rd)
Dawn Mayer, Treasurer (Luc, 5th & Dash, 2nd)
Gina Davis, Secretary (Addie, 5th & Benny, 3rd & Evie, 2nd & Weston, K)

IMG_3114_edited.jpWelcome Back Appreciation Breakfast for Teachers and Staff organized by PTOg

Mark your calendars! Please join us for Back to School Night on Wednesday, August 31st (adults only). Please note the specific times below, depending on your child(rens) class.

Grades TK/K - 6:00-6:45 PM
All School: 6:45-7:15 PM
Grades 3rd - 5th - 7:15-8:00 PM


Welcome to Hidden Valley Elementary!

If you have an incoming TK/K student or a child who is new to the school (in any grade), come on over, we'd love to meet you! See you on Friday, August 26th from 7 -10 pm at the Log Cabin Dugout Bar, 20 Veterans Pl, San Anselmo (next to Memorial Park).

Note: This is an Adults Only event so book your babysitters now!


We need Yard Duty Volunteers! Interested parents please contact Jenni Gelman at for additional details,

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Howdy Hidden Valley!

We are beyond excited to announce to y'all that the family friendly back-to-school bash, Boots and BBQ (formerly the Hoedown), is back this year! This is a great opportunity to welcome new families into our wonderful school community and reconnect with everyone. There will be live music by Miracle Mule, hosted BBQ, and games. Dust off those boots and join the fun!

Stay tuned for your online invitation with more details.

Hidden Valley PTO
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